Today, my mom picked us up in her car to go shopping. She needed to head over to Best Buy and Canadian Tire which is right in our area and asked if we wanted to go with her. I needed to run a few errands and I wasn't going to drive so I decided sure why not, if my mom didn't mind driving us. I didn't want to drive because first I knew it was going to snow and my tires are crap. But also we were planning to shop at HBC downtown and parking downtown is expensive. We headed over to NCIX first because I needed to bitch about the power supply's and to exchange the burnt out one. I must have started to get quite agitated and maybe I started to look like a psycho customer about to make a scene because the sales guy would not look me in the eye, did not address the problems, and tried to get me out of the store ASAP. Basically, he gave me poor customer service and ignored my statements. He had given me three power supply's, an extra one, just so I would leave the store. I was so mad! He's lucky there was a counter in front of me because I could pick up his little geeky @ss and throw him out the window. But he gave me the three, pushed me out of the door so I would not cause a huge scene and although at the moment, there were not a lot of customers, he just wanted me out. I went into the store, in a calm state, tried to explain (calmly) about the defective power supply and how it should have been checked before they sold it but he didn't want to listen to me. Fine. I took the three power supply's and we left. I called Vince to let him know what happened, he's going to write a letter attach the photos and direct it to the management. NCIX is known to have poor customer service but with them supplying OEM parts at the lowest price, how can one expect anything more? After NCIX, we decided to head to Denny's for lunch as it was in the area and while we were having lunch, it started to snow. After lunch, we headed downtown and shopped in the Bay. Mom was looking for rain or snow boots like mine but when we got there, it was super busy with many Xmas shoppers. They did not have my black rainboots in her size but they were stocking 3 new colours! Pink, Green and Yellow. Now if they had Pink earlier, I may have considered it but they were not 50% off, only 30% and 10% if you used your HBC credit card. While mom was looking over their boot selection, Kay and I headed over to Browns to look at the shoes and I found my next pair of Stuart Weitzman shoes! But I decided to put them on hold and go back tomorrow to pick them up. I have a 10% discount and I want to use that on the shoes as I will save $35!! Mom finally tried on a few different pairs and was debating on which two she wanted when Kay found something mom really liked except downtown store did not carry the right size in the right colour. Sales girl found them at Oakridge and Metrotown. Mom wanted to pass on the boots that she was debating on and head over to Oakridge to buy the other ones that Kay picked out. We also needed to find Kay a set of matching gloves/scarf/hat for her school's Blizzard Day, a theme day for the kids. But we couldn't find anything downtown but I ended up buying a Fulton super slim umbrella with a wind resistant frame in a folk floral border. Very cute! After buying the umbrella, we headed to Oakridge to find those boots. Oakridge's HBC was also super busy and when we finally waved down a salesgirl, she tried to look up the boots on the receipt (code numbers/quantities of each HBC) but the downtown's sales girl punched in the wrong code and came up with the boots in brown not black. Mom was a little pissed off as we drove out there to pick up these boots. Now she had to go back to the two she was originally looking at, try them on again, and decide which pair was most suitable. While Kay and I were waiting, we found a pair of tall black boots at a really good price. Such a good price that I decided to buy a pair for Kay, only rule about the boots, DO NOT WEAR THEM when I am wearing them. Agreed. After picking up the boots, we headed over to Zellers and found Kay a matching set of gloves/hat/scarf ($19.99 - thank goodness because the separates were pretty expensive!) Back to Best Buy and Canadian Tire, mom picked up a DVD player that was on sale , I looked over the Sony LCD TVs, and Kay was checking out the game consoles/video games. Next door was Canadian Tire, I ended up buying a ironing board (on sale) because we have a really old one which is stuck to the cupboard and it not moveable. Makes ironing a pain in the @ss. Very tired from shopping and getting slightly hungry, we decided to head over to Hugo's for dinner (yes Hugo's again but that is the only good chinese restaurant nearby). Long shopping day....
Love to watch the snow falling......

Looks great. Wish I could be there. Love driving in the snow in my car except there are too many stupid drivers.
It's so cool that you have snow - I don't drive so always think snow is a good thing!
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