Friday, November 17, 2006

14 Hours Only - Future Shop Online Sale!

OhMyGosh! I just made my Pioneer DVD Recorder purchase online with a 15% discount at Future Shop! I have been researching this product and debating if I should spend this amount of cash on a DVD recorder. Because I have been frustrated with my broken VCR (recording my TV shows blurry and shaky) and my stupid cheap DVD player (my Pioneer DVD player was stolen from a crazy ex-roommate) that kept freezing in bits while playing a movie. I decided I might as well purchase a DVD recorder since I am replacing my VCR and DVD player. My heart has always been set on purchasing a Pioneer and yes, it is quite a bit of money but I researched this model and there are great reviews on it plus it's a PIONEER. I intended on paying regular price and was going to pick it up this weekend but while I was searching available stock online at my closest FS, I realized, OMG, it's on sale!!! Discounted at 15% off, now that is A SIGN. Last week, FS had the DVD recorder on sale at $399.99 (regular price $449.99) but I did not make my decision quick enough so I missed out. But I decided that I can't wait for the next sale because I am in DESPERATE NEED of recorder. I was debating between the 80GB and the 160GB hard drive but found out that the 80GB was an old model and Pioneer is discontinuing it. I planned on going to the store this weekend to pick up one but since it is discounted at 15% on the web, I decided to order it right away! 15% Discount on all DVD players/recorders for only 14 hours online! The one not so great thing about ordering online is that I need to pay the shipping cost (but not too crazy, only $6.89 for ground shipping) and this sale was not available for pick up. I am sooooo excited!!! I even called VC and mom to tell them about the sale and the purchase! Ooooh I am so excited, can't wait!! My price $379.99 better than last week's sale price! Sweet :)


psychorich said...

Does this mean that you will be recording my shows now? And my ball games (starting in April)?

Trisha said...

YOU were SUPPOSE to BUY this FOR ME!!! I think YOU (or your MASTERCARD) will buy me a little something something.....

psychorich said...

Did you buy that hat on my mastercard?

Trisha said...

Uh... yes... duh... you also bought me a little something something else.... :)

psychorich said...

That was supposed to be an "emergency card". EMERGENCY!

Trisha said...

EMERGENCY? Excuse me? Finding a GREAT deal on a LOUIS VUITTON is an EMERGENCY!!! :)

Plus the cost of the dvd recorder is approx. the same price as that great deal :P