There is so much traffic out there, I guess people in Vancouver get excited when there is no rain and decide they should be out and about in the city. Besides having no rain, there is construction on Cambie street and the street is all windy and rearranged, it's so crazy on that street. Before heading to my mom's house, I needed to stop at Oakridge (return a few items at Zellers) and Vancity (put down a payment on my Visa card) and it was a long and slow process. There is no turning on any of the small streets because it has been blocked off due to the cut and cover construction. But the contracter in charge of building this underground tunnel needs to set up the roads with better signs and warnings regarding the changes with the traffic patterns. Because it is being built in 10 block areas, the street is constantly changing and the street's directions are unclear and without warning. Also since the small streets have been blocked off, people are driving through my alley like it's a freaking large street. There is so much traffic in our alleyway. Last week, I almost got hit twice by speeding cars. Ugh. Another thing which I am not too happy about is the 19th street crosswalk, oh wait, THERE IS NONE. There isn't even a paved road. It's dirt, rocks and sporadic paved blots on that block. There are huge orange cones set up to mark off the lanes but it's not very well done. Plus where the heck is the crossing guard for the children crossing to get to school? Because 20th is now blocked, the kids have to walk to 19th and back to 20th to get to their school. I really hope this situation gets improved quickly as my patience is running thin. Oh wait, I need to complain about the noise, I am pretty sure they are not suppose to start construction until 7am but yesterday morning they starting digging in front of my apartment at 6.45am. The sound of concrete being dug up is like nails on a chalkboard or steel utensils on a cermaic plate. *shudder* It's a horrible sound and spine wretching. I can't wait for this to be finished....only 2 years to go..... Interested in seeing what is happening? I've taken some photos as it was clear and the first day without rain. Cambie Street Construction
Alright enough bitching and on with the blogging.....
After Oakridge Centre and Vancity, I headed over to London Drugs (by my mom's place) to return yet another item and when I got in there OMG, it was crazy busy!! People were in a panic and picking up as many bottles of water as they could carry out. It's crazy. So we get a little rain, ok not so little and our tap water turns brown, yes there is a drinking water warning where we should all be boiling our water for at least a minute and yes, there was no coffee all over the lower mainland yesterday and today but seriously, have we all gone mad?? This water warning doesn't affect Kay and I since we have been boiling our water forever. At work, I have been (and always have) drank the water from the water cooler provided by Canadian Springs. I don't know, it was madness in London Drugs and I'm sure madness everywhere that sold bottled water. Lucky for us, our water supply wasn't as brown and clogged up like the tap water downtown but a little dirt never killed anybody! Ok, maybe the bacteria and virus in the brown water but that's what boiling the water does, it kills all the bacteria! Anyways, after LD I headed over to mom's house. We hit the usual places and went over to NCIX to pick up an online order (DVD+RWs at a really great price!). Over to Richmond Centre to check out HBC's beauty counters for my mom's foundation (I found something very pretty) and Sears for a quote on tires (my grandma's tires are balding and it's time to get them replaced). We also headed over to T&T to pick up groceries, ohmygosh, do I ever miss asian veggies, I don't have an asian supermarket near us and we have been eating frozen veggies or carrots and veggies you get at Safeway. I went a little beserk at the veggie section, picked up about 4 different types of asian veggies. After T&T we decided to go out for dinner so we gave my grandma a call (she opted to stay home) to let her know we were on our way to pick her up. Mom decided on going to Mui Garden on Victoria Street because MG serves some of my grandma's fave. dishes. Although grandma thinks MG has changed their cook and the dishes don't taste as good as they once have. I for one am not a big fan of MG so I didn't taste the difference. After dinner and helping my mom with the groceries, I called it a night. I went over to OD's to pick up Kay and we headed home. Gosh, it felt like a long day well actually it was. Now I'm going to finish my movies, well movie. I rented two dvd movies last weekend and I have not watched My Life Without Me.

The movie looks girlie.
Just because it has a girl on the poster DOES NOT MAKE IT GIRLIE.
No, I actually read the story on the link you posted.
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