Yeah! I sold ONE item on eBay! How exciting! I had posted 5 items on eBay and another item almost sold but someone, local, contacted me regarding this item (I posted the same items on craigslist) and he has decided to come and pick it up. This means I don't have to ship it out and I get my asking price instead of starting the bid at $0.99. I feel bad though as one person had been watching the item and then I removed the auction. The ebayer sent me a message inquiring the relisting of this item, I replied with the fact that I was able to sell it locally and if this person doesn't pull through, I will relist the item on ebay. But with the snow and freezing temperatures, I have not been able to meet this person because he is located in Coquitlam and it is quite a trek from Coquitlam to Vancouver. The ebayer that won the item paid instantly and tomorrow I will be sending it off. The winner looks like he is located in the Lower Mainland. The shipping should not be too expensive.......
Update November 28, 2006 12:15pm ~ OMG, I only made a $2something profit on my auction! Shipping and ebay / paypal fees took up most of my profit! I cannot believe that originally the shipping fees (at the Post Office) were over $7.00CDN!! That is basically my entire balance in paypal. I decided against shipping with the Post Office and went back to the office, changed the packaging (smaller envelope) and shipped online with Canada Post (feature with Paypal). I saved over $2.00 shipping with Canada Post Online and it came with a tracking no. Well, I now know better, next time I need to double up the shipping!
1 comment:
I sold a pen on ebay in the summer, I keep meaning to relist a pair of Boots now it is winter. I agree paying the fees suck!
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