Wow, what a weekend!!! Weekends go by so fast esp. when you have a ton of things to do!
Saturday (all afternoon) consisted of helping my mom with the leaves in the yard and tiding up the garage a bit cos Kay and I are storing some of our stuff in the garage. We didn't get as much done in the garage as we hoped (after cleaning up all the leaves in the yard which took a few hours) cos it was getting dark and cold but we did managed to rearrange and throw some stuff out. Mom bought a new leaf blower / vacum and she was having a great time using it! Although I preferred the rake and the blower isn't strong enough to blow the leaves out of the yard (we had left the leaves too long in the yard so the pile was heavy and wet!), we had to rake all the leaves from the yard into the parking space and then use the blower to blow the leaves into the park. Gosh, what a tiring day! I am suppose to pay 1/3 of the blower but decided I didn't like the blower and I wanted to return it but mom likes it a lot so she wants to keep it. I am going to buy a new rake instead of paying 1/3 of the blower. She has two really old rakes and I think we could use a new one with a larger rake at the end. After the leaves, we got to the garage and did tidy a bit an hour, we had to rearrange Kay and my items around so that it wasn't taking up too much space or room. Actually, we don't really have that much in there only our bikes, portable (small) bbq and a few misc. gardening items but mom's garage is PACKED! PACKED WITH LOTS JUNK!! We will have to do a full cleaning in the summer but right now it's way too cold. 

After all that, I decided to go online and check my ebay bids. I am watching a couple of items on ebay and finally ended up buying one and bidding on the other. Rhoda sent me a text in the afternoon asking me if I wanted to join her for Andy's hotpot b'day dinner at his sister's place by UBC and since I didn't have any plans plus Kay coming home with her BFF for a sleepover, I thought it would be nice to be out of the house while the two girls were home. I'm really glad I went cos it was a really fun night and those people know how to have fun! Lots of food and hot pot was so super yummy, great esp. the cold and busy day I had, soup and food, yummy!!! Plus these people know how to throw a party well ignore the fact that we were all wearing our jackets in the house cos the heat was turned off and we didn't realize until much later that the boiler wasn't even on!!! No one lives in this house (it's empty most of the year) and it's too bad cos the place is huge and beautiful! Andy's sister is thinking about expanding the house outwards cos there is so much space in the backyard. Wow, what a view, it's amazing! A view of the golf course (can't remember which one but not McCleery). It was a really fun night and lots of drinking (after dinner of course) and poor Andy, all that chai miu with the hard stuff got him out before midnite!! Thank goodness I don't know how to chai mui cos I'd pass out after two shots of that hard stuff!! Nah, just kidding, they were good to him! I just can't drink any more..... too old and not enough partying.... not complaining tho cos I wouldn't want to drink to pass out anyways! Not even on my birthday!! (more photos on my flickr account)
Sunday consisted of Shopping, Shopping and Shopping! Of course, NOT all for myself! Although I did end up with a new pair of pants from Barefoot Contessa on Commericial and a cute jewelery box (hand made in Vancouver) from Portobello West. We left the house a little later than we wanted to cos the girls wanted to come out with us to the Portobello West Art + Fashion Market at the Rocky Mountaineer Station. It happens every last Sunday of the month (except for December, xmas shopping!) and there are a ton of local and Canadian artists displaying all sorts of great things! The girls were done in 10 minutes, it's not their kind of thing and Rhoda and I probably went around a few times and we were done in a little over an hour. I picked up a few Xmas presents for some friends at work and spent within budget plus I saved enough to pick up a cute item for myself. The market is full and so many more tables and designers than the last time I was here! Gosh, it gets bigger and bigger every time I go! Love it, lots of great new designers and items that I haven't seen before and lots of great gift ideas! Will def. be back for some more Xmas shopping! After shopping around the market, we decided to stop over at Home Depot (to check out storage cubes) before picking up the girls from Starbucks, those two decided to leave and have a drink cos there isn't much else around there. Rhoda and I picked up a drink and then we headed over to Commercial Drive to do a little bit more shopping. Rhoda wanted to head over to Mr. Pets to pick up some stuff for Bosco and I wanted to take her to Barefoot Contessa where I ended up buying a pair of really nice pants (at a good price too!) and she picked up a really cute black jacket! I love this store, I am going to have to check out the one on Main street, apparently the one on Main is larger and has more stock and designers. After Barefoot, we headed up the street to Mr. Pets and Mintage (a consignment plus new items store that carries a lot of vintage items), I stopped into Cobs Bakery to pick up some bread (love their bread) and the little Italian deli to pick up pasta sauce. The one place we wanted to go but closed right after we find parking on Commerical is Fratelli's, the very famous and popular italian bakery that we missed out the last time. We were all very disappointed cos we were all craving for some sweet baked goods. After all that shopping, it was time to take Kay's friend home and Rhoda and I to make a quick dinner before the hockey game. I had won the corporate club seats for the hockey game and I love going to these games. These seats are incredible and it's always more fun to be at the game than to watch the game on TV. It was an awesome game (lucky for me, I've been to all WINNING games) and it was a really great day/night spending it with my BFFs :)
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