Wow!! I can't believe it's October!! Time has flown by so fast and so much has happened in these last few weeks. I haven't had a chance to update my blog coz it's been pretty hectic and busy! Let's see, I'll try to break everything down in point form:
- Ari, formerly know as Ferarari, is a new addition to our family! He's a 1 1/2 year old Toy Pomeranian and he's the smartest dog EVER!! He is so cute and fluffy, his personality, crazy! Sometimes he's super hyper and sometimes he's super mellow. We love him so much and feel so lucky to have him! He's the new man in the house :)
- Moving back home but not for free! Not exactly back at home but in the newly renovated basement suite at my mom's house. I worked out a deal so that my rent is lower than what I am paying right now and a lot of my costs will be gone so I can pay off some debts and start saving $$ for our future house. Also, home is a great place to be right now since my grandma is 88 years old and I would like to help out. My mom takes care of my grandma full time and since I'm there almost every weekend anyways, it might be handy just to be downstairs.
- HonHon came for a 10 day visit and brought back lots of goodies! Among the goodies, my pink Dior bag (finally!), Coach knock offs for Kay, lots of pink Hello Kitty stuff and goodies (food etc) from all the places he has visited during his business trips. It was nice to finally see him since it's been 6 months since we've seen him and lots has happened since his last visit. Kay grew an inch and a half and I've lost 20 pounds!
I think that's about it, those are the main events that have happened over the past few weeks. Oh wait, one more thing, we celebrated my mom's big birthday right before she left for Hong Kong. She has not been back to Hong Kong in a couple of years and she decided to go celebrate her "big" birthday with my sister who is also celebrating her birthday the following day. It will be good for both my mom and sister as my mom needs a break from Vancouver and my sister hasn't seen her in two years. I think mom is having a "big" birthday party with family. With us, we had a Seafood dinner at Sun Sui Wai in Richmond. The dishes we recieved were ok not the best and I think at one time, they were pretty good but not so much now. My grandma did not end up going to Hong Kong this time so I have been spending some time over there making sure she's alright and comfortable. Besides that, not much else is happening except that I am packing up our stuff and storing or moving it to either my mom's or my dad's. My dad has kindly offer (for free) to store my stuff until the time comes when I might need it. Kay and I are doing a lot of downsizing! We are trying to get rid of as much stuff as we can or store the stuff that we cannot part with. I haven't even begun her room yet coz I am not looking forward to cleaning and going through her stuff!! But most of my kitchen, living room, bathroom, art room and bedroom has been packed up! More photos on my flickr account.
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