What a great day we had, my sister and I :) We manage to escape go out on our own for the afternoon without the rest of the family cos we had to exchange the jersey I picked up for my nephew the day before. My sister wanted a smaller size cos she is sure the jersey is too large for him. We headed off to Metrotown but made a quick stop at The Boss so my sister could get her HK style tea and in peace, no one telling her she drank too much HK tea and smoked way too many cigarettes! Every time we have lunch with my grams and mom, both are constantly reminding her that she drinks too much tea and smokes way too many cigarettes. I think this is the most peaceful lunch she will have during this trip. After lunch, I took her to Build A Bear cos she has never heard of this place and she built a bunny for her daughter. I also picked up a Hello Kitty PJ set for my Hello Kitty. My sister picked out a cute bunny with long ears, stuffed it, gave it a heart, picked out the cutest Hello Kitty outfit and pink sunglasses to match finished with little pink ribbons on her long ears. My sister thought it was kinda silly stuffing the bunny but she quite enjoyed it and she knows her daughter will love the bunny and will want to come to Vancouver to build her own bear or bunny! It's too bad Winnie The Pooh is no longer available cos my sister loves Winnie they way I love Hello Kitty (ok, maybe not as obsessively as I love Hello Kitty!). After Build A Bear, we headed towards SportChek to exchange the jersey, over to Starbucks for a coffee (quick smoke break), and checked out a couple of the jewelery boutiques cos I was looking for my diamond hoops. I finally find a really nice pair and within my budget at Ann-Louise Jewelleries Ltd but these are not exactly hoops but look like hoops! Very pretty and look really great! While purchasing my hoops, my mom called and surprise, they were in Metrotown by the Bay. My bui jei wanted to go over to Body Shop to purchase a few items and my yee mah wanted to look for her hair products. My sister and I met them at the food fair and decided it would be best if we took bui jei to Body Shop and grams/yee mah walked around the Bay. After shopping around with bui jei, we decided to head back to meet them and drop bui jei off with them. My sister and I had to pick up a surprise birthday cake at Saint Germain's for my yee mah cos it's her birthday today so we left saying we were heading home. Once we got home, everyone was home and napping - we've had some early mornings. My sister took a 30 minute nap on the couch too. I rested by watching some TV and catching up on my entertainment news. We have dinner reservations at 730 but we'll see if we'll make it on time since it's close to 7 and people are still napping. 

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