We continued the weekend with more shopping and eating with my sista :)
We had another great day! We took her to Metrotown to pick up some sneakers for my sis cos she doesn't own a pair sneakers in HK and mom and her are going on a 4 day trip to Alberta (Banff, Lake Louise etc) so she needs a pair of shoes with treads. We did a bit of shopping at Metro and decided to have a snack at The Boss cos my sista needed her "lai chai"! At The Boss we ordered my fave dish to share and a snack from the tea menu and of course, a couple of lai chai's. Once we finished at Metrotown, we headed over to the Station Square Dollar store to pick up more things. After the Dollar Store, we headed over to Future Shop and Best Buy cos my sista is thinking about buying a laptop here cos it's a bit cheaper than HK. We made a quick stop at Starbucks before heading home to get ready for dinner.
After dinner, we ended the night with HK dessert in Richmond even tho we were all pretty stuffed. Kay didn't order anything from the dessert place so I picked up a BBT for her from Leisure. It was a great day with the family and tomorrrow, mom and sis are going on a 4 day trip to AB. It'll be quiet without them but nice to eat dinner at home cos my tummy can only take so many dinner outings. More photos on my flickr account.
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