Saturday, January 13, 2007

Taboo Naughty But Nice Sex Show

After the opening, I had made plans to go to the Taboo Sex Show which was being held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. I met up with V, M and R at the centre because those three were already together in the afternoon. I had decided to take the bus down and boy I must have been crazy! It is so cold tonight! My fingers were frozen and I had forgotten my hat so I think I might have caught a cold.

The taboo show was pretty interesting and there was a lot to see but it was so crowded! I realize now that it is probably best not to go with your friends and to attend this event with your lover instead. I do not want to know how kinky my friends are in the bedroom! Too much personal info! Although, R and I didn't stay around long as V and M wanted us to go our seperate ways for an hour, there seemed to be a lot of great booths but I didn't get a chance to stop at them because V was running us up and down the centre looking for the kinky show that was being held. I thought we would eventually make our way back there but it seems that once V and M decided to go their own way, R and I decided to leave the show and get something to eat.

We headed over to Steamworks because it was close by and they served real food not fast food. Neither of us wanted fast food. We were in there for an hour eating and talking, she's a really fun person. Very cool to converse with. V called just as were were finishing our meals. He let us know they were ready to meet up with us and I said ok, we'll be there in 10 minutes. I guess we had some miscommunication because we were suppose to meet up at the front enterance. Once we got there, we were all waiting around for each other! R and I were at the front entrance to the convention centre while M and V were at the front entrance of the sex show! I guess they did not realize we had left the building. After the show, those two were hungry so we decided to stop at a Japanese restaurant on Cambie Street since I had already eaten, I only had green tea while those three had some food. After late night dinner/snack, we decided to call it a night as we were all very tired and they had to head back to Coquitlam.

Next year, I'm going to coincide HonHon's visit with the Taboo Sex Show!

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