We didn't realize how long we ended up staying at Creo Bellus because after a couple of hours, our tummies were starting to growl! Since my brother would not be coming with us to run errands (he apparently doesn't need any food) and had plans to attend a friend's birthday bash, we only had a couple of hours before he needed to be back in Richmond to get ready for his party. We decided to stay close by, on Main Street, at a Hong Kong style cafe which is known for cheap and fast food. I don't really like this kind of restaurant esp. on my new diet but decided to have something really simple and what I normally will not eat. Instant Noodles in a satay base soup with satay beef strips. It was pretty tasty except for the fact I could taste all that MSG in the soup! After our meal, we said our good byes and mom and I headed back to her place to drop off her thousands of dollars worth of jewellery as we were going to head over to Metrotown and she did not want to carry all the pieces wth her. We decided to head over to the Superstore in Metrotown because I had to check HonHon's mail as I have not done so in weeks! Boy did he have A LOT of mail! Oops!! After checking his mail, we headed over to Metrotown because we needed to pick up a gift for C's birthday party (at the Garage Clothing store), we bought her a nice pullover top with a lacey tank top to match. After Garage Clothing, we headed over to Superstore to pick up a few items as they did not have everything we were looking for (this Superstore is terrible, they are never ever up to date with their stock!). After a while, we realized it was getting late and we still needed to pick up take out for dinner. We headed over to the newly renovated T&T Supermarket on the other side of the shopping centre. Gosh, I had not realized how large it has become and it is looking very "Richmond' like! I cannot believe how many Hongers and Chinese people now live in the South Burnaby area, it almost feels like a mini Richmond!! I do have to say though, I am loving this new and large T&T Supermarket except that I am no longer living in the area so I won't be visiting it too often. The closest T&T for me in the Cambie area is the one in Chinatown and that one is not very big and it hasn't been updated or renovated since it first opened. At T&T, we picked up a few more items missing from our list and picked up some sweet & sour pork and chicken for dinner. We headed back to mom's place and KD was still around packing her stuff (she's moving out of my mom's bsmt suite at the end of the month). We chit chatted a bit and caught up on life, she finally found a receptionist job at a Kia dealership in Richmond which is better than her call centre job (paying only min. wage and contracted for 6 weeks). After speaking with her, I headed back upstairs to eat dinner with mom and grandma. Kay and I stayed around for a bit and we finally decided to call it a night by 10.00pm because we were both really worned out from today.

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