Tonite, I made a dish that consisted of all locally produced organic vegetables! Even the teriyaki sauce (produced in Burnaby), organic fresh basil and black pepper with dried basil/garlic (Maison Cote) are all locally produced except for my brown rice which is from California. The dish was super delicious and I can't believe how fast summer is going, there are only a few more good weeks left of summer veggies. Tomorrow I am going to the Trout Lake FM and I am hoping to find summer squashes to try cos a friend from work suggested I pick up some cos they are super sweet and delicious plus you don't have to season it, just bake and eat! Mmm...squash....
I.AM. independent, trustworthy, strong willed, stubborn, confident, great listener, honest, opinionated, passionate, charming, sexy, loving, young at heart, silly, techy geek.
I.AM. a mother, daughter, sister, lover, best friend, confidant, therapist, chef, chauffeur, housekeeper, life coach, administrative assistant who enjoys life to it's fullest and does not allow it to slow me down.
I surround myself with happy, good and positive people.
L I F E as a cool M.O.M (modern & objective momma).... my BeBe is my life. I live for her each day. Because of her, I am who I am today. At this moment, I am happy and living life one day at a time.
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