Aqua Riva sat our group by the large window with an ocean and Canada Place sails view which was lovely. The dining experience was fabulous and the food - richly divine! I ordered the Lemon & Maple Glazed Sabelfish with herb roasted potatoes, grilled pineapple & mango salsa and lime basil vinaigrette for my main course. Since it was my birthday, I also decided I should have a glass (or two!) of champagne but not just champagne, it was mixed with a juice or something sweet. Gosh, was it ever yummy! I manage to work my way around the table and speak to everyone for a bit before dinner was served and I was happy to see all my friends getting along so great! I had such a great time and def. felt very spoiled! In my invite, I always ask my friends NOT TO BRING PRESENTS JUST THEIR PRESENCE! but no one ever listens!!! Even so, I felt very lucky to have such wonderful people in my life and was def. very spoiled! Presents: $50 Gift Card for Holt Renfrew (THANK YOU JAS!), All Leather Pink Coach Mini Purse (THANK YOU SHEL & KITTY!), Hello Kitty stickers (THANK YOU RAE!), a beautiful long stemmed single rose (THANK YOU VINCE AND MERYL!) as already mentioned purple / black stretchy track suit (THANK YOU RHODA!) and Salon Hair products (THANK YOU WARREN!). Of course CA$H MONIE$ from the parents and grandma!

On another note, Rhoda and Kay picked me up because Rhoda didn't think I should be driving on my birthday so it was nice to be chauffeured :) When I got into the car, I didn't even recognize my own baby girl! She looked so awesome! Her make up was flawless and her style, very trendy and chic! Wow, my little girl is not a little girl anymore becoming a little lady :) I'm so proud ... sniff sniff..... plus I realize I am getting older and I see my once youthfulness through her! Sigh .... one year older but STILL the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!

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