Tonight, Kay and I joined Rhoda and her friends for dinner at the Watermark Restaurant at Kits beach. Nat, Rhoda's niece, is leaving for England and it was one of her last dinners with us. We wanted to wish her a good trip back and we hope to see her again real soon. She is such a darling. I'm so glad I got a chance to meet her as we don't know when she'll be in town next, could be 4 years!
Rhoda came by to pick us up as it was silly to drive 2 seperate cars to Kits as it was HSBC Celebration of Lights tonight and we were sure it was going to be super busy on the roads and probably hard to find parking. Gosh, were we ever right! The roads were super busy plus the construction all over the city and Rhoda obviously does not like being stuck in traffic, she's a funny driver. Lots of ranting and raving to other drivers who piss her off. Hehehe, it's quite amusing actually, I am glad to know that I am not the only one who yells and talks to herself in the car while driving ;) Once we finally got to Kits, we could not enter the street where the parking lot to Kits beach/Watermark parking was, apparently, they had blocked off all the streets heading towards the beach. Crap! We starting driving around all over the neighborhood trying to find a parking spot, after 20 minutes of driving, I suggested we try parking on West 4th since there is meter parking on the street and maybe we'll luck out and find a spot. The parking gods were good to us, we got a spot right by Artbutus and West 4th, only had to pay $2.00 for an hour parking (pay parking until 8.00pm). It was somewhat of a long walk down but it was a nice evening and it was pretty warm. Once we got to the restaurant, we found AW, KH and Nat sitting at a corner table with an incredible view of the beach and waterfront with a nice bottle of ice cold white wine sitting on the table. Those three really know how to enjoy a good bottle of wine. After briefing through the menu, we decided to order appetizers to share and as the three of them ordered main courses, Rhoda and Kay did not (Kay already had dinner at home, Rhoda figured appetizers were enough) and I decided to have a little something, a Seafood Chowder which by the way was delish except Rhoda makes kick @ss chowders! As we were waiting for our appy's, everyone was chatting about what was happening in their lives, catching up with each other and common friends. We also congratulated AW and KH on their engagement, how exciting is that? Those two look adorable together and AW is worried about how to deal with KH moving in once they are married. We also spoke about a "5 year plan" which I hadn't really thought about except for buying a home with HonHon. Our appy's were delish and def. worth every bite, the main courses came and my soup arrived, very yummy but I think Rhoda makes soup way yummier. After dinner, we headed out and Nat was thinking about walking the beach front to catch the fireworks but all of us had to get up early and work the next day so she decided to hook up with another friend instead. Gosh, the walk back up was quite a walk, thank goodness we decided to wear flats! It was really nice night and I am grateful to have such good people surrounding us.

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