As already mentioned today, I did not win the ebay auction on the Red LV Spring Street purse which was a huge disappointment but I did find another rare item, Louis Vuitton Murakami Panda Leather Cowhide Keychain, this piece is a limited item, LV only released so many and was only available in Japan and France. I really really wanted this item for quite some time and have been talking about for MONTHS!! The person selling this item, took some pretty sh*tt* photos on his PC cam and I could not tell if it was real or fake. This person did not have the MPRS or ALVA (Authentic Louis Vuitton Addict) badge which makes this auction a risky one to bid on. Without those links backing the seller up, you could be bidding on a fake piece (a really good fake!). Many sellers (who do not sell massive amounts of LV items) do sell their own personal items on there and do not have the MPRS or ALVA which means you have to know your Louis Vuitton items (or join a purseblog and ask for advice from some serious LV addicts/experts) and take a chance. Anyways, this seller did not have the back up and I thought his item was somewhat suspicious, I decided to post the auction on the LV purse fourm for advice. Oh yes I must mention that his excuse for selling it was pretty lame and the starting bid was really really low ($100USD) which also made me a suspicious. I posted the link on the purse forum to see what other LV addicts thought of the item and it came back as a FAKE. Another fellow purse addict, sent my attention to Karen Kooper, she is a well known seller and she carries many items that you cannot even buy in the LV store! She had the Murakami Panda Leather Cowhide Keychain in stock and yes, it was quite a bit more money but she is reputable and I know exactly what I am purchasing. Bonus the keychain is brand new! I had dropped the item into my "shopping cart" and debated purchasing this item for quite some time (most of the afternoon actually). I am suppose to be on a LV ban until my next birthday (purchased too many LV items within the last few months) but this item is something I have been trying to find ever since I first heard about it and found out that it was only released in Japan and France, a did make it to USA but boutiques sold out of it really quickly! After hours of debating, I decided to make the purchase. I had a slight technical error while trying to order the item on the website but Karen took care of it immediately. Exceptional Customer Service, she is def. someone I would put total faith/trust in. I heart Karen Kooper! I can't wait to get it, I'm so excited!!!
All I have to say is:
"I am suppose to be on a LV ban until my next birthday".
I love the panda, I also purchased from Karen Kooper she is a so nice.
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