We had beautiful weather again, like every day for the last two weeks. The sun was out and the temperatures at 30 degrees C! A perfect day to be INDOORS and most of it was spent indoors with air condition. First off, IKEA to pick up some needed home items that have been on my list for sometime. I picked up some hooks (on sale!) for my necklaces, a pretty blue bathmat, a magnetic board for the hall and extension cords for the bedroom. Afters browsing through IKEA, we decided to head over to Richmond Centre Mall because we still had some time before the movie. Richmond Centre was having their sidewalk sale! Darn! I can't pass up a good sale when I see one! Picked up some cute flip flops for Kay, I picked up some sale items and non sale items. After walking through Richmond Centre, we decided it was getting too late to head home for dinner so I took Jas and Kay out for Cactus Club. The Cactus Club in Richmond is disgusting. First off, they have no idea how to make a salad!! After dinner, we hurried home, dropped off our stuff and took the transit downtown to catch A Devil Wears Prada but it was sold out so we ended up in Click which was very funny and cute. Now Kay and I are ready to crash, we have had a long day.....
For shopping finds, click here.
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