Thursday, January 08, 2009

Nikon D40 SLR

Kay has been wanting a digital SLR camera for herself for quite some time. She is an avid photographer (or as I would call her, a photo whore!) and she loves playing around with the camera, taking shots and loves to edit her photos with editing software. She's actually quite talented and has a pretty good eye behind the camera. As Rhoda was looking for the big prize for her company party, we noticed there was a dramatic price drop on the Nikon D40 SLR - a compact and lightweight SLR, great camera to learn as a beginner. Priced usually around $450 - $500, it was on sale at Future Shop for $399, it was an extended boxing day sale price! Wow, we couldn't believe it! We tried to get one for her party but it seemed FS only had stock in the Ontario warehouse and it would take a few days to ship but Rhoda needed it for Saturday night. We ended up at London Drugs and the best deal offered was $430, well we decided to call Broadway Camera and see if they had any in stock and what they were selling it. The SA was nice enough to offer us the same price as LD but not FS. Camera, lens, memory card and software at a total cost of $520. Not bad for a pretty nice camera! Kay was so excited, she started snapping pictures and I know it may seem biased but she really has a great eye and def with some nuturing, she could do really well. I am really happy to see her enjoy something so artistic and I def don't mind helping her in that direction. My parents never allowed me to purse my art dreams and aspirations which clearly made a negative impact on my life. I know Kay will take good care of this camera cos she PAID FOR IT. That's right, I used her savings and I and my mom (grams) gave her an early b'day gift to cover the rest. She is one LUCKY GIRL!

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