Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome Home Jen!

It was so great to see Jen tonight, she's in Vancouver for two weeks and Rae and I got to spend some time with her just one on one to catch up on life. Wow, so much has gone on and the travelling bug def. bit her! She's been all over the place and she'll be back in Vancouver in September but off to Australia for another year to work and travel. Lucky girl and she is so independent since she has no fear about being on her own and living in a totally different country. I could never do that, I like it here in Vancouver, home is home. After work, we headed over for dinner at Oysi Oysi and spent almost 3 hours there just talking. It was lovely and of course, such a silly girl, she brought over gifts from London and Egypt. She hadn't changed at all and it was so good to spend some time with Jen. Hopefully, we can catch her one more time before she heads back to London. We miss you tons Jen!!

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