Today, I got my hair done and he is so awesome! I have been looking for a new hair stylist for years and Jimmy Lapointe at Pinup Hair is highly recommended. Words cannot describe how great I feel and look so check out my photos! He is an awesome and really cool guy. It’s been a long, difficult week; it was nice to sit in his chair to relax (head massage!) and his consulting was great, he understood an inch is REALLY AN INCH! If you are ever in Vancouver, come and check him out!

Before Hair Style, Back View, Wow my hair was super long! Blah, look at the washed out colour at the ends of my hair, colour was done 2 years ago. I want so badly to colour my hair but have not found a stylist whom I am comfortable with but look no longer! Next time, I'm getting my colours done!
Before Hair Style, Side View, uneven layers... blah...
TA-DA! New and improved, MOI *wink wink* Check out my hair, it's so puuuurrrrrty ... We decided to take more than a little bit off but it feels so great and so light. Jimmy took most of my old colour out which is awesome because I really wanted to get rid of it! Now, my hair looks so healthy and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT .... THANK YOU JIMMY FOR SAVING MY HAIR :)

your hair looks great, i love getting my hair done.
I agree your hair looks fab, i really like the colour.
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