Monday and Tuesday, I was trying to finish off all the stuff I needed to do before the end of the year, mostly filing cos I leave it and when I do have time, I need to do it all but I can never get it all done before getting interrupted which means I rather not start! Most people were out of the office and so I got most of the filing done plus some miscellaneous items that needed my attention but had been put a side. Since I was pretty much done all my work stuff, I decided to take Wednesday off instead of coming in for half the day! Last week, I rec'd some lovely presents from my co-workers and my managers, as always my manager's wife put together a beautiful xmas gift that always included Belgium chocolate and the best wine ever! Another manager I work with gave me another bottle of lovely red wine and my good friend (and co worker) gave me a $50 Louis Vuitton GC which is so thoughtful since she knows how much I love my LVs.
On Wednesday, I decided I needed to pick up a few items from Costco and even though it was snowing heavily, I decided to venture out anyways. Boy what a mistake that was! The weather had caused some major delays in our transit system esp. the skytrain and I ended up walking home from Costco! I had waited at Stadium station for half an hour and decided I was never gonna get on a train so I started walking. Most of the route wasn't too bad until I got to Terminal Avenue and the snow was knee deep, in some parts I had to walk on the busy road cos I did not want to walk in knee deep snow. It took me about 35 minutes to walk from Stadium to Commercial drive and I decided to take a break at Blenz and Shoppers, I was thinking about training it home from Commercial but I had overheard people saying the skytrain had completely stopped and there were crowds of people at all the bus stops. I thought about taking the Victoria bus up to 28th but it seems there was a huge line up at the bus stop as well! I ended up walking home from Commercial to home and it wouldn't have taken me so long (another 30 minutes) except that I was pretty tired and Commercial / Victoria is a bit of hill on the way up and my coat was getting really heavy cos it was really wet from the snow. On a positive note, all this walking must have burned off all the calories and fat that I gained from all the holiday parties and chocolates!!
On Thursday (Xmas Day), I met up with Rhoda, Jess, and G for dim sum at Fortune House at Metro and even though we had quite a bit of snow fall, we knew it wouldn't snow much more during the day and we didn't want to be at home the entire day. I hadn't been to FH in a long time and the last time I was there, I remembered it not being very good but it seems they are under new management and the restaurant had a make over. Food and decor was pretty good, I think I will suggest my mom look into this place for my gram's 90th birthday dinner. Since it was Xmas Day, most businesses were closed except Asian places! After dim sum, we decided to head over to Aberdeen Centre in Richmond cos we knew that place would be opened and gosh, was it ever busy when we got there!! We walked through the mall and I ended up picking a really cute Baby Phat top for only $27.50 reg $55.00!! I also picked up a "dan tat" egg custard tart key chain for Kay from a store called "Looks So Real" and it really does look like an egg custard tart that you can eat!! After walking around AC, Rhoda and Jess invited Kay and I over for Xmas dinner since our Xmas dinner wasn't until Boxing Day (mom and grams had other plans, church and dim sum). Jess went to pick up Kay while Rhoda and I dropped G off at home (his van was parked unintentionally in Metro's parking lot). G invited us both to his place after dinner for drinks and celebration. We had a lovely dinner at Rhoda's and the food was delicious! It is always nice to spend time with family and Kay and I both feel Rhoda, Jess and Auntie are family :) After dinner, we dropped Kay off at home and headed over to G's place to celebrate, drink and mingle with his friends. It was a really great way to end a fabulous day!
Boxing Day/Xmas Dinner - We had snow all day but that didn't stop us from having our Xmas dinner! But at one point, I didn't think my brother or Rhoda or my Aunt would make it to the dinner but we found out that the main roads were cleared and salted. My brother was going to park in the back alley and we had done some shoveling in trying to make a parking spot but it did no good and after 40 minutes of shoveling and getting his car out of the snow (he got stucked in the snow, three times!!), he decided to try to find parking on the main street. Rhoda was nice enough to pick up our Aunt on her way to our place and she found parking on Kingsway. Rhoda had no problem walking to our place but it seems that not everyone had shoveled their sidewalks and our aunt did not wear snow boots which caused her to KAPOOT into the snow (hehehe, no not funny!). It was nice to have everyone at our dinner and the food was awesome! My organic turkey was super tasty and of course, my mom did a great job roasting the turkey and making all the fixings. We had both done quite a bit of preparation during the day but ti was worth it. The meal was delicious! After dinner and dessert (mom had chocolate ice cream cake in the freezer), we opened our gifts and it was a great way to end the evening. By 10pm, most of us were worn out (well mom and I) and it was better that Rhoda and my brother get on the roads while it was still somewhat cleared as the snow did not stop falling! It was a great way to spent Xmas and I think next year, maybe Rhoda and I should consider doing one Xmas dinner with both of our families! Hehehe, we'll start a new tradition!
On another note.....

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