Sunday, May 16, 2010

Death in the Family


I just found out some horrific news and I still cannot believe that it's true. I can't can't can't! I know it's not a lie but I just saw Josh a few weeks ago and I cannot believe he's dead. He's in Ecuador building homes for the less fortunate children in this country and I am assuming on his weekend break, he went water rafting with the others and there was an accident where the raft flipped over. Only 5 people of the 6 were saved, Josh got pulled under the current and they could not reach him. I am so saddened to hear this news and my condolences are with his family....RIP JOSH STECKLEY, YOU WILL BE GREATLY MISSED.....

1 comment:

Shirley L Steckley said...

Thank you for such a sweet post, Trish. Josh is/was my brother.... it both does and doesn't surprise me how many people's lives were touched by Josh. Anyone who he considered family is family in my books too. I hope you have been doing okay since his death. xoxox